AFCS has identified, there has been limited accessibility to mental health supports in Saskatchewan. This was made even more evident with the COVID-19 pandemic. This recurring need was explored as 80% of Friendship Centres identified mental health support as priority throughout various engagement with AFCS. Though resiliency has compounded, it only shows that mental health and wellbeing is now more important than ever due to added challenges for clients, staff, their families, partners, and our communities as a whole.
Providing culturally safe community-led mental health support throughout Saskatchewan is a priority. Through the safe, welcoming, and family oriented space of Friendship Centres, this project aims to reduce a variety of barriers for all urban Indigenous people in Saskatchewan, while providing the much-needed community-based programming through our Friendship Centres.
Ensuring accessibility to culturally relevant mental health supports to our urban Indigenous communities through the non-traditional route outside of a healthcare facility, we are able to provide clients with safe spaces not only for our clients, but also staff. This is done through enveloping the mental health service with other key programming and projects.
Melody Wood